Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brother Embroidery Machine

If you're like me and new to the decorating world of the holidays, it could be overwhelming to even get started! Also, if you're like me, you have the hand-me-downs that your mom or your mother-in-law wanted to get rid of. So where do you begin? You want to have your own look, something that goes along with the rest of your décor, but you're not too sure where to start with the mismatched stuff you have in a box in storage.

A Christmas tree is a great place to start. By getting a tree and making that your focal point, you can use that as a spring board. You probably have some of your old ornaments that either you made in elementary school or your mom got for you each year. Perhaps you have found you need to buy some more ornaments. A great way to be frugal and stylish at the same time is to make your own. You could start with some ornament balls of a certain color you like and use that same color in the clear balls you can get in any craft section.

Find some paint, open the ball and squirt the paint in and swirl it around as desired. You could keep adding different colors as you like and there you have it! A homemade ornament that actually looks good!From decorating the Christmas tree, move to the floor where you'll need a tree skirt. Again, any color you choose to go with your décor is perfect. But you can make it personalized in a jiffy. You could paint something on it if you are an artist or you could use a Brother Embroidery machine. Embroidering your last name on the skirt adds a nice touch, or maybe welcoming Santa to the house would be nice too.Hang your stockings by the chimney with care! Our stockings are knitted and have our names on them. I love them, but not everyone gets those as Christmas presents from their in-laws like we did. Buying a generic stocking and writing your name on it in some way is always a great idea. Some friends of ours just have a letter on theirs, you could even embroider them while you have the embroidery machine out. This is also a great way to personalize your décor. To finish up the house, hang lights and pepper your rooms with snowmen and Santa Claus candy dishes or candles. There you go! You're ready for Christmas now!